Saturday, May 4, 2013

Cooking ~ Summer Salad

I brazenly steal most of my recipes from others...and I'm shameless about it. This is the first post at the Acadame, so what could be better than my favorite summer salad...since summer is right around the corner!
This is my favorite salad to make and to eat. I think I stole this recipe from a public television cooking show. Here is the recipe...
Just before serving/eating, drizzle with freshly-squeezed lemon juice. This version is garnished with thinly-sliced Italian-style dry salami.

I went a little overboard with this version. I topped it with shredded pecorino cheese and cracked pepper. This was still a good variation of the recipe but the cheese was a little too much for me. This version might still be okay for those who like a lot of flavor and saltiness. This salad, in any variation, pares well with a good citrusy sauvignon blanc (pictured).